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  • The Observatory

    The Observatory The Observatory The PIMEC Observatory is the employer’s studies department. SMEs and freelancers know their companies but often do not have information at an aggregate, sectoral, territorial or business level level. For this reason, we collect data from the main official bodies and generate our own in order to provide useful information for…

  • Event

  • Noticia

  • Territorial scope

    Territorial scope PIMEC is a business organisation acting in Catalonia, which makes it essential to be as close as possible to its members. PIMEC has its own headquarters in the four Catalan provinces, as well as in the area known as Catalunya Central given its key importance in the economy. Within the four provinces, the…

  • sectoral & Work commissions

    Sectoral and Work commissions Sectoral PIMEC defines itself as a multisectoral business organisation, embracing all the sectors and activities where SMEs and the self-employed are present. The representation and advocacy actions developed by PIMEC have an inclusive character and address general issues that concern all or most entrepreneurs, regardless of their sectoral field. Nevertheless, PIMEC…

  • Who we are

    Who we are PIMEC is the employers’ association that represents the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and the self-employed of Catalonia. Its origins date back to the year 1974, when it was constituted just at the start of the democratic transition. In 1994 it merged with the AEI (Independent Business Association) and in 1997 with…

  • Agenda


  • Actualitat

    Actualitat Sala de Premsa Notícies Revista PIMEC Pime al dia Galeria multimèdia Destaquem Nota de premsa 26/3/2024 PIMEC debat sobre la problemàtica de les baixes laborals a les empreses amb el teixit empresarial del Maresme en la presentació de l’estudi ‘Incapacitat Temporal’ Nota de premsa 22/3/2024 El president de PIMEC visita el Baix Llobregat per…

  • Institution

    Institution As the most representative business organisation in Catalonia, PIMEC represents and advocates the interests and values of SMEs and the self-employed among the administrations, the other social agents and society in general while actively contributing to their growth and competitiveness. Moreover, PIMEC provides SMEs with all the services and tools to help them be…

  • Inici

    We represent, advocate and promote the business activity of SMEs and the self-employed. More than 150,000 Associates 325 sectoral associations More than 500 daily queries 13,704 enrollments in training courses in 2023 More than 150,000 Associates 325 sectoral associations More than 500 daily queries 13,704 enrollments in training courses in 2023 EXPLORE The Heart of…