MULTISENSOR presents its final prototype in Barcelona

MULTISENSOR presents its final prototype in Barcelona

The Second MULTISENSOR Open User Day that took place in Barcelona the 22th September had a good success.
MULTISENSOR celebrated, together with the European project EUMSSI, an Open User Day to present the results of the project and the development of the last year of work.The Consortia presented the final prototype to all the attendants. The platform aims at combining and analysing heterogeneous data from news, social media, videos, images and indicators for three different use cases: journalism, media monitoring and SME internationalisation.During the event, the assistants had the chance to test the three platforms, evaluate them and discuss its characteristics with the project developers. For the journalistic one, the users could see a clearer interface and an improvement in the articles summarisation when running their multiple article analysis. In the media monitoring case, visualisation changes and social media influencers were among the novelties. For the SME internationalisation, the Decision Support tool that suggests the countries to export based on a combination of indicators was the main newness.The event, which took place at the Valkiria Hub Space, allowed a profitable exchange between external users and project developers and served as a good visualisation of the work that has been done throughout the project. To finish the activity, there was a networking dinner at the same space.The project faces its last month of execution this October before presenting it to the European Commission.

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