The MULTISENSOR Open User Day, held in Bonn the 26th of November, was a success

The MULTISENSOR Open User Day, held in Bonn the 26th of November, was a success

The European projects MULTISENSOR and EUMSSI celebrated a joint Open User Day to share and explain the latest developments of both projects and the prototypes that have been completed during the first two years of work. Concretely, MULTISENSOR presented its second prototype to the assistants. The final goal is to produce an online platform that links heterogeneous content and advances the research and development of multilingual media analysis technologies for the support of the 3 use cases of the project: journalism, media monitoring companies and SME internationalisation. Therefore, the project is developing three different tools that respond to the specificities of the three use cases.The Open User Day allowed the public to learn more about the technical logic behind the online tool and, primarily, to go through the three different applications and discuss its modules with the project developers. The consortium partners showed and explained the use case prototypes to those interested and the assistants evaluated the three different use case tools after exploring them. This fresh view gave very valuable feedback to the project consortium for the final year of development. Indeed, the users participated in the second prototype evaluation and engaged in rich discussions with the user specific partners as well as the technical ones.To finish with the Open User Day, members of the Advisory Board of both projects participated in a conclusions panel that brought up a fruitful debate over the current development and the future possibilities of the different projects and use cases.In all, the Open User Day had a good turnout and proved to be very valuable for the consortium. The partners had the opportunity to open its research and work to the public and to obtain useful feedback from them to face the last year of the project.

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