MULTISENSOR finalises its first year of development
A project meeting was held in Bonn to further development the project prototypes. During 2015, the first prototype will be ready for testing.The FP7 European project MULTISENSOR aims at creating an online platform that helps professionals of three different areas: journalism, media monitoring and SME internationalisation. The project is developing research to aggregate diverse information and content from heterogeneous and multilingual sources. Given the large amount of information available, MULTISENSOR’s challenge is not only to gather selected information but also to process it and analyse it to offer useful solutions. During the meeting in Bonn the project advances were presented and the future developments discussed. In the coming month of November, the partners will meet again in Barcelona to finalise the demo prior to presenting it to the European Commission. After that, the users from the different professional sectors involved will have the opportunity to test the first version of the prototype. We are open to companies and individuals that would like to get involved in this process.